Lecture 7 — February 2, 2022
Exploration for Geothermal in Other Geological Settings


Topics Covered:

  • Geophysics in exploration — MT, Gravity, Seismic, Remote Sensing

  • Volcanic systems — Mariposa, Maule Region, Chile

  • Fault hosted system — Dixie Valley, Nevada



Dick Benoit, M.Sc. Geology

I graduated from Western Washington University in 1970 with a BS in geology and from the University of Montana in 1972 with a MS in geology.  I started working in the geothermal exploration in the Basin and Range province in 1974 for Phillips Petroleum.  Between 1986 and 2000 I worked for Oxbow, primarily on the Dixie Valley geothermal field.  Since 2000 I worked primarily as a consultant, with a stint at Magma Energy between 2010 and 2013. 

Dr. Martyn Unsworth

Martyn Unsworth is a geophysicist who has taught geology and geophysics at the University of Alberta since 2000. He holds a BA in Natural Sciences and a PhD in Geophysics from the University of Cambridge. He has more than 30 years of experience using geophysical exploration in a range of applications that includes mineral exploration, geothermal development and investigations of earthquake and volcano hazards. He focuses on electromagnetic methods that are effective tools for mapping the location of water and molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.  His recent studies include volcano and geothermal projects in Alberta, British Columbia, Iceland, South America and Antarctica. Martyn recognizes the importance of using geophysical data to guide geothermal development and reduce the associated economic risks. As an academic, he has many opportunities to promote geothermal energy to post-secondary students and other community groups. He also works to advise students on how they can contribute their skills towards making geothermal energy a significant part of Canada’s energy economy.

Dr. Catherine Hickson

Catherine Hickson is a geologist and senior executive who has been involved in the geothermal industry for more than 40 years.  Starting as a student running temperature logs in gradient wells, she then went on to finish her PhD at UBC investigating the Wells Gray Clearwater volcanic field and its potential for geothermal energy. She then became a research scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and was head of its Cordilleran Office in Vancouver for seven years. While at the GSC she continued working on projects that tied together geothermal energy and volcanology.  In 2008 she left the GSC to join a pure play geothermal company as VP Exploration.  Since then, she has been working globally on projects in over 14 countries overseeing all facets of the industry - from green field exploration projects to reservoir modelling and injection strategies, to raising funds for development companies. She joined Geothermal Canada (then the Canadian Geothermal Association) in 1981 and has continued to participate in the association for the past 40 years, serving several stints as President. She currently serves as its Vice president.  Catherine is CEO of Alberta No. 1 and Chief Geoscientist for Terrapin Geothermics, she is also President of Tuya Terra Geo Corp maintaining a global geothermal practice.

References and Links

Benoit, D., 2015, A Case History of the Dixie Valley Geothermal Field, 1963-2014, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions,  Vol. 39, 9p.   

Blackwell, et al., 2014, Dixie Valley Synthesis, 2014, Southern Methodist University Geothermal Laboratory, Dallas, Texas, 412 pp.

Parchman, W. L., and Knox, J. W., Exploration for Geothermal Resources in Dixie Valley, Nevada, A Case History, Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, Vol 10, No. 5, June 1981 pp. 3-6.

2010         White, P., MacKenzie, K., Verghese, K., Hickson, C.J. Deep slim hole drilling for geothermal exploration. In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 34, 2010, pp. 269-272. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1028656.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

2011         Hickson, C.J., Ferraris, F., Rodriquez, C., Sielfeld, G., Henriquez, R., Gislason, T., Selters, J., Benoit, D., White, P., Southon, J., Ussher, G., Charroy J., Smith, A., Lovelock, B., Lawless, J., Quinliven, P., Smith, L., Yehia, R. The Mariposa geothermal system, Chile, In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 35, 2011, pp. 817-825. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1029336.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

2013         Vigouroux, N., Williams-Jones, N., and Hickson, C.J. Development of the MultiGAS for determining fumarole gas chemistry in geothermal systems. In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 37, 2013, pp. 445-450. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1030605.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

2013         Munoz Carmon, F., Hickson, C.J., Bona, P., Reyes, J., and Gomez, L. Factors for geothermal energy development in Peru. In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 37, 2013, pp. 633-638. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1030634.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

2013         Yehia, R., Vigouroux, N., and Hickson, C.J. Use of a portable photometer for accelerated exploration: testing for geothermal indicators in surface waters. In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 37, 2013, pp. 375-381. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1030596.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

2014         Hickson, C.J. and Yehia, R. The Geothermal exploration and development process: graphical representation path to optimal decision making. In Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, Volume 38, 2014, pp. 377-380. Available from http://pubs.geothermal-library.org/lib/grc/1033563.pdf [accessed 13 February 2018].

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