Spotlight on Women in Geothermal USA - March 2024 Kirsten Marcia, CEO and President of DEEP Earth Energy Production


Transitioning from the depths of a mine to the glamour of the diamond trade, and now leading the geothermal startup DEEP in Saskatchewan, Canada, Kirsten Marcia emerges as a fearless leader. Renowned for her profound understanding of complex geology, she readily exchanges her high heels for field boots to engage in subsurface projects.

From Diamonds to Geothermal, Kirsten's journey is truly extraordinary. Initially inclined towards a business administration degree like her peers, she found herself at a crossroads. However, during a pivotal year-long hiatus from academia, she returned to her oil and coal-rich hometown of Estevan, where she was surrounded by professionals leading those industries. Guided by her patrons of the local pub, she discovered her passion for geology, ultimately earning a four-year degree from the University of Saskatchewan.