Non-GC Geothermal Content

Introduction to Geothermal Energy Lecture - Ryan Libbey

Introduction to Geothermal Energy Lecture - Ryan Libbey

An invited lecture given to the McGill Energy Association in Montreal, Canada on Nov 6, 2014. The lecture covers: geothermal electricity production, direct-use applications and a discussion of career opportunities in the geothermal industry. Ryan Libbey is a founder of the Canadian Geothermal Research Council (CanGRC) and a Lead Geologist for Adage Geothermal Inc.

Geothermal Energy Resource Potential of Canada

Geothermal Energy Resource Potential of Canada

Grasby, S.E., Allen, D.M., Bell, S., Chen, Z., Ferguson, G., Jessop, A., Kelman, M., Ko, M., Majorowicz, J., Moore, M., Raymond, J, and Therrien, R., 2012. Geothermal Energy Resource Potential of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6914 (revised), 322 p. doi:10.4095/291488