Mafalda Miranda, PhD

Director for Eastern Canada (QC) - Geothermal Canada
Postdoctoral Fellow -

Mafalda is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at INRS working under the supervision of Jasmin Raymond. Mafalda has a bachelor’s degree in Geology and a Master of Sciences in Geosciences from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Her Master thesis was supported by the EMSURE – Energy and Mobility for Sustainable Regions project and aimed at characterizing the thermophysical properties of granitic rocks with the goal of evaluating the deep geothermal energy potential of target areas in central northern Portugal. In 2021, Mafalda obtained a PhD in Earth Sciences at INRS. The PhD thesis of Mafalda was supported by the INQ research chair to assess the geothermal energy potential of northern Quebec and outlines an approach to carry out first-order evaluation of the deep geothermal energy source using geothermal exploration tools that are affordable to the northern and remote communities facing critical energy issues and with important geothermal data gaps. During her PhD, Mafalda participated in several scientific communication contests receiving several awards. Among them, Mafalda was one of the finalists of the 2nd edition of the My Northern Project organized by INQ. She also got 3rd place in the student contest “3 minutes to change the world” organized by AQPER and TEQ and 2nd place in the “energy research challenge” organized by Québec Mines + Énergie. Mafalda won in 2020 the institutional final of the “3 Minute Thesis” giving her the chance to participate in the regional 3MT final organized by the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools. In 2022, Mafalda received the INRS International Outreach Award and the Geothermal Canada Early Career Award.


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